It shall be the duty of the owners and occupiers of real property abutting on any street, highway, avenue or alley within the City of Hanover, Kansas, to trim all trees, shrubbery and other vegetation growing on the parking within the boundary lines of said streets, highways, avenues or alleys as follows:
Shrubbery and other vegetation excepting trees: All shrubbery and other vegetation excepting trees shall be kept trimmed to a height not exceeding 4-5 feet.
(Ord. 315; Code 2021)
Trees: All trees shall be kept trimmed so as not to obstruct the view of the street fronting said property by user of intersecting streets. All limbs overhanging the sidewalk or traveled portion of any street, highway, avenue or alley shall be kept trimmed to a height of not less than 14 (Fourteen) feet.
(Ord. 315; Ord. 669; Code 2021)
It is hereby made the duty of the street commissioner of the City of Hanover, to notify either the owners or the occupiers of real estate within the city of Hanover, Kansas, of any shrubbery, trees or other vegetation growing within the boundary lines of any street, highway, avenue or alley in violation of this article and if the owner or occupier of said premises fails and refuses within thirty (30) days after receiving said notice to trim or cause to be trimmed the trees, shrubbery or other vegetation as herein provided then the said street commissioner may cause the same to be trimmed as herein provided and the expense incidental thereto may be assessed as by law provided against the owner or owners of said property at the cost of $100.00 an hour for each employee and $50.00 an hour for any equipment used.
(Ord. 315; Ord. 669; Code 2021)