The mayor, city clerk or street supervisor shall publicly announce, through all news media available at the time when an emergency snow condition exists, that the “Snow Removal Regulations” are in effect.

(Ord. 688)

Snow removal will be accomplished in phases with priority as shown:

(a)   Emergency Snow Route. Routes necessary to provide emergency vehicles access to major portions of the city, the business district and emergency facilities such as the hospital. The number of routes shall be the minimum necessary. The mayor, city clerk or street supervisor or his/her designated appointee shall be authorized to have violation notices posted on the parked vehicles.

(b)   Primary Snow Route. Routes which, when cleared, will aid in the orderly movement of vehicles to the emergency snow routes. Posting of violation notices or removal of parked vehicles shall not be authorized.

(c)   Secondary Snow Routes. Streets which provide access to primary snow routes. These routes shall be opened only when the emergency snow routes and primary snow routes remain open.

(Ord. 688)

Any person who parks a car or other vehicles on any street of the city is bound by any emergency traffic or parking measures which may be ordered by the chief of police or his or her designated appointee and is expected to learn when such emergency traffic and/or parking laws are in effect. The city shall do everything within reason to alert the public to these emergency measures; however, it is the responsibility of anyone leaving a car on the streets for any length of time to apprise himself or herself of these measures, especially during the snow season.

(Ord. 688)

Any vehicle owner who permits his or her vehicle to remain in a “No Parking” area or who in any other manner interferes with snow removal from the streets shall be held in violation of this section, the penalty upon conviction thereof to be not less than $25.00 nor more than $100.00. The penalty provided for interference with snow removal by a vehicle rests with the registered owner thereof. The fact that the vehicle was not last parked or driven by the owner thereof, or that the driver or owner was not aware of the emergency traffic provisions in effect, shall not be a defense to a charge of violating this article.

(Ord. 688)

Following the snow clearance, it shall be deemed a violation of this article for any person, corporation or firm to pile or dump snow on such cleared street from a private driveway or building entrance sidewalk so as to constitute an impediment or hazard to normal traffic on the street. The penalty for violation of this section shall be the same as provided in section 13-401:405.

(Ord. 688)

Following the snow clearance, the city realizes that alleys, driveways, sidewalks and vehicles may be blocked. Realizing the desire of the general public to have streets open to passable traffic, it shall become the responsibility of individual citizens to remove the blockages of those alleys, driveways, sidewalks and vehicles they wish to use.

(Ord. 688)

Upon announcement by the City that the “Snow Removal Regulations” are in effect, the streets listed in this section shall be designed as “Emergency Snow Routes”. No parking shall be allowed and violating vehicles shall have violation notices placed thereon. Emergency snow route signs shall be posted on the right hand side of the driving lane at intervals not to exceed four blocks.

(a)   North Street from Highland Haven to Wulff Street

(b)   All of North Denver Avenue

(c)   All of South Denver Avenue

(d)   East Street from 23rd Road to East Washington Street

(e)   Kansas Street from South East Street to South Hanover Street

(f)    Hanover Street from East Kansas Street to East North Street

(g)   Washington Street from East Street to South Bern Street

(h)   Bern Street from North Street to Washington Street

(i)    Church Street to North Street to Washington Street

(j)    Jaedicke Street from Church Street to Railroad Street

(Ord. 688)

Upon accumulation of snow depth of three inches (3”), the “Snow Removal Regulations” are in effect and the following streets shall be designed as “Primary Snow Routes” and vehicles are requested to be removed.

(a)   All of Elm Street

(b)   All of Highland Street

(c)   All of Railroad Street

(d)   Bern Street from North Street to Elm Street

(e)   All of Center Street

(f)    All of Harbine Street

(g)   All of South Street

(h)   All of Hill Street

(i)    All of North Ridge Terrace

(j)    All of Hilltop Drive

(k)   East Street from Washington Street to South Street

(l)    Church street from Elm Street to North Street and Jaedicke Street to South Street

(m)  Hanover Street from Farrell Street to North Street from Kansas Street to South Street

(n)   Jaedicke Street from East Street to Church Street and Railroad Street to South Denver Avenue

(o)   Washington Street from Bern Street to South Denver Avenue

(p)   All of Farrell Street

(q)   All of Kensington Place, West Minster, and Belgrave Avenue

(r)    All of Jackson Street

(Ord. 688)